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NOAA Star v5.0

  • Zou et al., 2023. Cheng-Zhi Zou, Hui Xu, Xianjun Hao, Qian Liu: Mid-Tropospheric Layer Temperature Record Derived From Satellite Microwave Sounder Observations With Backward Merging Approach Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128:6, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JD037472.
  • https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/smcd/emb/mscat/products.php (datasets)
  • https://judithcurry.com/2023/04/19/is-warming-accelerating-in-the-troposphere/ (Ross McKitrick's post)
    Zou 23, Fig.4(png)before/afteradjustment
    Lower Troposphere Temperature(pdf) (png) STAR-LTGlobal
    UAH-LT Temp.(pdf) (png) UAH-LTGlobal
    Mid Troposphere Temperature(pdf) (png) STAR-MTGlobal
    UAH-MT Temp.(pdf) (png) UAH-MTGlobal
    Upper Troposphere Temperature(pdf) (png) STAR-UTGlobal
    UAH-TP Temp.(pdf) (png) UAH-TPTropopause, Global
    Comparison STAR-UAH LT,MT,UT(pdf) (png) UT/TPGlobal
    STAR Northern Hemisphere (NH)
    NH Lower Troposphere (pdf) (png) NH-LT
    NH Mid Troposphere (pdf) (png) NH-MT
    NH Upper Troposphere (pdf) (png) NH-UT
    STAR Southern Hemisphere (SH)
    SH Lower Troposphere (pdf) (png) SH-LT
    SH Mid Troposphere (pdf) (png) SH-MT
    SH Upper Troposphere (pdf) (png) SH-UT
    Dataread: Monthly MSU/AMSU mean layer atmospheric temperatures,Version 5.0
    Linear fits of GLOBAL datasets (app)Both STAR & UAH
    Linear fits of NH datasets (app)Only STARNorthern Hemisphere
    Linear fits of SH datasets (app)Only STARSouthern Hemisphere
    STAR Lower Troposphere (txt) LT, used cols 3 & 4
    UAH-LT (txt) LT, used cols 1,2 & 3
    STAR Mid Troposphere (txt) MT, used cols 3 & 4
    UAH-MT (txt) MT, used cols 1,2 & 3
    STAR Upper Troposphere(txt) UT, used cols 3 & 4
    UAH-TP (txt) TP, used cols 1,2 & 3Tropopause

    lt.bon, mt.bon, ut.bon, uah-lt.bon, uah-mt.bon, uah-tp.bon, star-uah.bon,
    ltnh.bon, mtnh.bon, utnh.bon,
    ltsh.bon, mtsh.bon, utsh.bon,
    Page Written: May 21, 2023        Last Updated: