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NOAA data out of May 2013

Pagina NOAA (NCDC)
Passaggio da GHCN-M version 3.1.0 a GHCN-M version 3.2.0 da Agosto 2012.
Anche questo mese il dato di maggio รจ disponibile in ritardo, dal 22/6.
anomalie-0513 (pdf) (png) Anomalies up to May13
anomalie-0513 (pdf) (png) Linear fit up to May13
anomalie-cfr0805 (pdf) (png) Temp. diff. between Aug12 & May13
anomalie-cfr0805 (pdf) (png) Linear fit of diff. Aug12 - May13Fig.1
diff-cfr-tot (pdf) (png) Comparison among all datasetsFig.2
diff-cfr-tot-mm (pdf) (png) Comp. among datasets running means Fig.3
anomalie-0805 (pdf) (png) Comparison between Aug12 and May13 anomalies
anomalie-0805-mm (pdf) (png) Comp. between moving averages of Aug12 and May13 anom. Fig.4
slop-lin (pdf) (png) Slopes of linear fit to diff-nov11-monthxx Fig.4 !! per ora non si usa
slop-lina (pdf) (png) Slopes of linear fit to Anomalies Fig.5
power-0513-100 (pdf) (png) Power spectrum (0-100) years Fig.6 (all datasets)
power-0513-30 (pdf) (png) Power spectrum (0-30) years Fig.7 (all datasets)
power-0513-300 (pdf) (png) Power spectrum (100-300) years Fig.8 (all datasets)
picco20 per,pot (pdf) (png) Periods and Power of 21-22 years Fig.9
picco-287 per,pot (pdf) (png) Periods and Power of ~2.87 years
picco266 per,pot (pdf) (png) Periods and Power of ~266 years
picchi-power (pdf) (png) Power of ~ 66,20-21,9,2.9 years Fig.10
picchin (pdf) (png) As Fig.10; normalized to the maximum of any series
picchi-nt (pdf) (png) As Fig 10; normalized to the sum of any seris
2000p (pdf) (png) zoom of data and fits from Jan,2000 to May,2013
1997p (pdf) (png) zoom of data and fits from Jan,1997 to May,2013
anomalies .dat update of May 2013Orig. data
anomalies .dat update of May 2013Used data
h-pow h-pow.dat Power of ~ 66,62,21-22,9,2.9 years
pendenze pendenze.dat Slopes: fits diff-nov11-monthxxTable 2
p.dat p.dat Slopes: fits of AnomaliesTable 3
picco20.dat picco20.dat Period and power of 20 yrs maximum
picco287.dat picco287.dat Period and power of ~2.87 yrs maximum
picco266.dat picco266.dat Period and power of ~266 yrs maximum
power-0513 power-0513.out Power spectrum of May13

Page Written: Jun 13, 2013        Last Updated: