Yellowfin sole Data file: Dataset: Yellowfin Sole Region: Eastern Bering Sea INFO: Eastern Bering Sea Yellowfin sole recruitment (1964-2009) and biomass (1964-2015), anomalies relative to 1981-2009 mean. Missing Value: 1E+35 Variable: Recr = Yellowfin age-5 recruitment, Millions, annual, 1964-2009. Anom = Yellowfin recruitment normalized anomalies, relative to 1981-2009 mean, 1964-2009. SBM = Yellowfin spawning biomass, Tons, annual, 1964-2015. TBM = Yellowfin ages 2+ total biomass, Tons, annual, 1964-2015. Year Recr Anom SBM TBM 1964 733 -1.0313 54979 845645 1965 734 -1.0299 80345 839968 1966 1520 -0.0016 125317 887261 1967 2316 1.0399 158767 874716 1968 2361 1.0987 174033 790128 1969 3100 2.0656 173064 823558 1970 3432 2.5000 128551 793085 1971 2691 1.5305 92497 840912 1972 1862 0.4459 74557 909173 1973 2496 1.2754 77887 1152600 1974 2932 1.8458 95258 1390750 1975 1929 0.5335 155283 1729150 1976 2424 1.1812 225091 2022420 1977 1584 0.0822 328087 2319060 1978 1008 -0.6715 453057 2600470 1979 1937 0.5440 576906 2748190 1980 1435 -0.1128 711544 2918630 1981 4138 3.4237 833911 3074160 1982 765 -0.9894 899354 3177480 1983 3407 2.4673 1002458 3151850 1984 1173 -0.4556 1082818 3358420 1985 897 -0.8167 1132735 3358010 1986 1219 -0.3954 1119033 3072090 1987 1659 0.1803 1111460 3020440 1988 1646 0.1633 1051579 2917250 1989 817 -0.9214 1023257 2953320 1990 908 -0.8023 1031381 2817460 1991 2004 0.6317 1108569 2921120 1992 1191 -0.4320 1186719 3104160 1993 1002 -0.6793 1218640 3118100 1994 1010 -0.6688 1218565 3142370 1995 2489 1.2662 1214445 2922000 1996 1076 -0.5825 1144085 2829580 1997 910 -0.7997 1102867 2825950 1998 1103 -0.5472 1033356 2558750 1999 1553 0.0416 1021457 2382480 2000 1013 -0.6649 1003895 2417300 2001 1419 -0.1337 995146 2341700 2002 1401 -0.1573 990446 2372570 2003 2431 1.1903 995464 2553240 2004 1201 -0.4189 1022685 2735560 2005 1352 -0.2214 1035274 2835630 2006 1726 0.2679 1052169 2816810 2007 1414 -0.1403 1055221 2827450 2008 1529 0.0102 1027675 2706420 2009 1662 0.1842 985792 2532050 2010 1e+35 1e+35 955448 2593210 2011 1e+35 1e+35 929484 2614460 2012 1e+35 1e+35 911636 2602540 2013 1e+35 1e+35 908451 2549110 2014 1e+35 1e+35 875065 2339690 2015 1e+35 1e+35 872561 2313020