Greenland Turbot Data file: Dataset: Greenland turbot Region: Eastern Bering Sea INFO: Turbot recruitment (1977-2015) and biomass (1977-2017), relative to 1981-2010 mean. Missing Value: 1E+35 Variable: Recr = Turbot age-0 recruitment, Thousands, annual, 1977-2015. Anom = Turbot recruitment normalized anomalies, relative to 1981-2010 mean, 1977-2015. SBM = Turbot spawning biomass, Tons, annual, 1977-2017. TBM = Turbot age 1+ total biomass, Tons, annual, 1977-2017. Year Recr Anom SBM TBM 1977 88058 4.7760 267900 464651 1978 70983 3.7400 258990 452383 1979 28513 1.1640 240010 433675 1980 14341 0.3040 220630 420278 1981 5509 -0.2310 198140 397450 1982 5235 -0.2480 177690 367775 1983 6209 -0.1890 164710 338089 1984 6029 -0.2000 155230 306788 1985 19697 0.6290 156030 294234 1986 5614 -0.2250 159280 285557 1987 5327 -0.2420 162400 278288 1988 5301 -0.2440 162630 268660 1989 12873 0.2150 161010 259403 1990 4116 -0.3160 154520 246749 1991 1162 -0.4950 143560 228996 1992 780 -0.5180 135050 215770 1993 639 -0.5270 128950 206456 1994 973 -0.5070 118730 192061 1995 2934 -0.3880 107780 174948 1996 1635 -0.4660 98397 159857 1997 1670 -0.4640 90223 146491 1998 2014 -0.4430 81553 132666 1999 6605 -0.1650 71732 117672 2000 7902 -0.0860 64368 105887 2001 8022 -0.0790 56137 93651 2002 1542 -0.4720 49489 83899 2003 652 -0.5260 44210 76911 2004 601 -0.5290 39608 71345 2005 1078 -0.5000 36002 67256 2006 6216 -0.1890 32602 63141 2007 14589 0.3190 30270 59833 2008 54229 2.7240 28553 56719 2009 78522 4.1970 26992 53485 2010 12056 0.1660 24572 51205 2011 6461 -0.1740 22102 54035 2012 4646 -0.2840 19887 62248 2013 5646 -0.2230 17613 72821 2014 5643 -0.2230 18706 87580 2015 11970 0.1600 23041 102053 2016 1e+35 1e+35 30997 114438 2017 1e+35 1e+35 41015 123494