Pacific Cod Data file: Dataset: Pacific cod Region: Eastern Bering Sea INFO: Eastern Bering Sea Pacific cod recruitment (1977-2014) and biomass (1977-2016), anomalies relative to 1981-2000 mean. Missing Value: 1E+35 Variable: Recr = Cod age-0 recruitment, Thousands, annual, 1977-2014. Anom = Cod recruitment normalized anomalies, relative to 1981-2010 mean, 1977-2014. SBM = Cod spawning biomass, Tons, annual, 1977-2016. TBM = Cod ages 3+ total biomass, Tons, annual, 1977-2016. Year Recr Anom SBM TBM 1977 1756770 3.8208 163291 572253 1978 735150 0.7306 180863 613704 1979 911872 1.2651 209322 721585 1980 316193 -0.5367 265060 1156370 1981 186119 -0.9302 369954 1569570 1982 1199810 2.1361 518100 1951710 1983 270491 -0.6750 658400 2131750 1984 975814 1.4585 730720 2085600 1985 420228 -0.2220 726420 2115600 1986 206951 -0.8672 689270 2021450 1987 148111 -1.0451 663430 2035030 1988 367125 -0.3827 640555 1976770 1989 769057 0.8331 601150 1780400 1990 627254 0.4042 552990 1536690 1991 338528 -0.4692 477333 1314930 1992 836942 1.0385 384888 1190500 1993 295068 -0.6006 337244 1195220 1994 322162 -0.5187 350966 1214270 1995 349179 -0.4369 353929 1275180 1996 858353 1.1032 347596 1214240 1997 350987 -0.4315 336292 1128240 1998 343807 -0.4532 307581 995227 1999 662988 0.5123 292121 1048190 2000 406171 -0.2645 291681 1084210 2001 187567 -0.9258 318496 1081630 2002 320855 -0.5226 324413 1121510 2003 252583 -0.7291 316221 1110720 2004 221685 -0.8226 304265 1024300 2005 252378 -0.7297 272196 911637 2006 886192 1.1875 230281 790942 2007 271215 -0.6728 196128 681507 2008 1405850 2.7593 171337 609888 2009 237580 -0.7745 156561 696689 2010 837777 1.0410 168038 750699 2011 1248580 2.2836 213789 1037380 2012 646490 0.4624 254174 1135900 2013 1261180 2.3217 304236 1241520 2014 159532 -1.0106 348402 1445130 2015 1e+35 1e+35 401573 1585980 2016 1e+35 1e+35 466000 1817980