Map of the Bering Sea
Fig 1. Map of the Bering Sea showing the location of St. Paul Island and
Mooring 2 (M2). See also map (site 2) and the relative NOAA site. Arctic Region (pdf) data from: Bering Climate (ascii data: [select series] then List Data) 2016 Spectral data summarized in this Calc sheet Di Lorenzo and Mantua (2016) paper and Suppl. Info. |
Plots | ||||
FISHERY | ||||
Turbot | (pdf) (png) | Rombo Groenlandese img | ||
Cod | (pdf) (png) | Merluzzo del Pacifico img | ||
Flathead | (pdf) (png) | ? see img | ||
Flounder | (pdf) (png) | Passera Nera img | ||
Herring | (pdf) (png) | Aringa img | ||
Perch | (pdf) (png) | Persico img | ||
Plaice | (pdf) (png) | Platessa img | ||
Pollock | (pdf) (png) | Merluzzo Giallo img | ||
Rock Sole | (pdf) (png) | Sogliola img | ||
Salmon | (pdf) (png) | Salmone Sockeye img | ||
Yellowfin-sole | (pdf) (png) | Sogliola Limanda (pinna gialla) img | ||
BIOLOGY | ||||
Snow Crab | (pdf) (png) | Granchio img | ||
Diversity | (pdf) (png) | Shannon-Wiener Index | anomalies | |
Echino | (pdf) (png) | (pdf) (png) | Echinodermi kg/km^2 | anomalies |
Jelly | (pdf) (png) | Medusa img | ||
Plankton | (pdf) (png) | descrizione | ||
Seal St.Paul | (pdf) (png) | Foca img | ||
Seal 2 St.George | (pdf) (png) | Foca img | ||
Trawl | (pdf) (png) | Strascico | ||
Enso MEI | (pdf) (png) | Multivariate Enso Index | ||
EPI | (pdf) (png) | East Pacific Index | ||
IRI | (pdf) (png) | Ice Retreat Index | ||
NPI | (pdf) (png) | North Pacific Index | ||
NS-WIND speed | (pdf) (png) | North-South wind speed anom, | DJFM Std dev | |
PDO winter | (pdf) (png) | Pacific Decadal Oscillation | ||
PDO summer | (pdf) (png) | Pacific Decadal Oscillation | ||
PDO annual | (pdf) (png) | Pacific Decadal Oscillation | ||
PNA (CPC) | (pdf) (png) | Pacific-North Atlantic Index | CPC Method | |
PNA (WG) | (pdf) (png) | Pacific-North Atlantic Index | WG Method | |
SAI | (pdf) (png) | Siberian/Alaskan Index | DJFM, 1949-2011 | |
SI | (pdf) (png) | Siberian Index | DJFM, 1949-2011 | |
AI | (pdf) (png) | Alaskan Index | DJFM, 1949-2011 | |
SST1-4 | (pdf) (png) | SST Jan-Apr | at Mooring 2 | |
SST Pribilof | (pdf) (png) | SST JFM | Here, Pribilof Islands | |
WPI-DJF | (pdf) (png) | West Pacific index | DJF | |
WPI-MAM | (pdf) (png) | West Pacific index | MAM | |
WS-NA | (pdf) (png) | Wind stress | Nov-Apr | |
WS-MJ | (pdf) (png) | Wind stress | May-Jun | |
---------------------- | ---------------------- | -------------------------------- | ---------------------- | |
---------------------- | ---------------------- | -------------------------------- | ---------------------- | |
Data | .txt input data | - MEM spectrum | input data from: here | |
FISH | ||||
Turbot | .txt mem.out | 1977-2017 | Rombo Groenlandese | |
Cod | .txt mem.out | 1977-2014 | Merluzzo del Pacifico | |
Flathead | .txt mem.out | 1977-2014 | ? | |
Flounder | .txt mem.out | 1974-2009 | Passera Nera | |
Herring | .txt mem.out | 1965-1991 | Aringa | |
Perch | .txt mem.out | 1977-2011 | Persico | |
Plaice | .txt mem.out | 1975-2011 | Platessa | |
Pollock | .txt mem.out | 1964-2015 | Merluzzo Giallo | |
Rock Sole | .txt mem.out | 1971-2007 | Sogliola | |
Salmon | .txt mem.out | 1956-2007 | Salmone Sockeye | |
Yellowfin Sole | .txt mem.out | 1964-2009 | Sogliola Limanda | |
BIOLOGY | from: here | |||
Snow Crab | .txt mem.out | Granchio | Biomass, 1978-2007 | |
Diversity | .txt mem.out | Shannon-Wiener Index | Groundfish div., 1982-2006 | |
Echino | .txt mem.out | Echinodermi kg/km^2 | Biomass, 1982-2007 | |
Jelly | .txt mem.out | Meduse kg/km^2 | Biomass, 1982-2007 | |
Plankton | .txt lomb.out | Zooplankton kg/km^2 | Biomass, 1965-1997 | |
Seal St.Paul | .txt mem.out | Seal pups | born at St. Paul, 1975-2006 | |
Seal St.George | .txt mem.out | Seal pups | born at St.George, 1975-2006 | |
Trawl | .txt mem.out | Strascico | Duration (hr), 1990-2006 | |
CLIMATE INDICES | from: here | |||
Enso MEI | .txt mem.out | Multivariate ENSO Index | Winter DJ, 1950-2016 | |
EPI | .txt mem.out | East Pacific Index | Winter JFM, 1950-2016 | |
IRI | .txt mem.out | Ice Retreat Index: days after | Mar-15 near Mooring 2, 1980-2015 | |
NPI | .txt mem.out | North Pacific Index | NDJFM, 1900-2016 | |
NS-WIND speed | .txt mem.out | N-S wind speed anom |,DJFM, 1949-2013 | |
PDO winter | .txt mem.out | Winter PDO index | DJF, 1901-2016 | |
PDO summer | .txt mem.out | Summer PDO index | JJA, 1900-2016 | |
PDO annual | .txt mem.out | Annual PDO index, | Jan-Dec, 1900-2016 | |
PNA (CPC) | .txt mem.out | Pacific North Atlantic Index | CPC Method, DJF, 1951-2016 | |
PNA (WG) | .txt mem.out | Pacific North Atlantic Index | WG Method, DJF, 1949-2014 | |
SAI | .txt mem.out | Siberian/Alaskan index | DJFM, 1949-2013 | |
SI | .txt mem.out | Siberian Index | DJFM, 1949-2013 | |
AI | .txt mem.out | Alaskan Index | DJFM, 1949-2013 | |
SST1-4 | .txt mem.out | Sea Surf Temp @ Mooring2 | Jan-Apr,1950-2013 | |
SST Pribilof | .txt mem.out | Sea Surf Temp @ Pribilof Is | JFM,1948-2013 | |
WPI-DJF | .txt mem.out | West Pacific index | DJF,1951-2016 | |
WPI-MAM | .txt mem.out | West Pacific index | MAM,1950-2016 | |
WS-NA | .txt mem.out | Wind stress along Peninsula | Nov-Apr,1951-2013 | |
WS-MJ | .txt mem.out | Wind stress along Peninsula | May-Jun,1950-2013 |