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Grape Harvest Date (GHD) in Beaune, Burgundy, 1354-2021
Comparison to Italy and Switzerland
  • Labbé & Gaveau, 2013 . Labbé T., Gaveau F.: Les dates de vendange à Beaune (1371-2010). Analyse et données d'une nouvelle série vendémiologique , Revue historique, 2013/2, 333-367, 2013. doi:10.3917/rhis.132.0333. Paper available at
  • Labbé et al., 2019. Thomas Labbé, Christian Pfister, Stefan Brönnimann, Daniel Rousseau, Jörg Franke, and Benjamin Bois: The longest homogeneous series of grape harvest dates, Beaune 1354–2018, and its significance for the understanding of past and present climate., Clim. Past, 15, 1485-1501, 2019. doi:10.5194/cp-15-1485-2019.
  • Mariani et al., 2009 . L. Mariani, S. G. Parisi, O. Failla, G. Cola, G. Zoia, L. Bonardi: Tirano (1624-1930): A Long Time Series of Harvest Dates for Grapevine , It. J. Agrometeo., 7-16(1), 2009
  • Meier N., Rutishauser T., Pfister C., Wanner H. and Luterbacher J., Grape harvest dates as a proxy for Swiss April to August temperature reconstructions back to AD 1480, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34 (L20705), 2007,
    Plots, Figures 00readme.html
    Example of Euroclimhist output(png)link to Euroclimhist
    DoY (Day of Year)open 2022year can be changed
    Beaune (F) GHD 1354-2021 (pdf) (png)and MEM Spectrum
    Beaune (F) GHD 1354-2021 (pdf) (png)as N. of days from Sep.27
    Beaune (F) GHD 2000-2021 (pdf) (png)last 22 years
    Comparison F,IT,CH GHD (pdf) (png)referred to Aug.31
    Beaune GHD(txt)Last 3 years added by me
    Beaune GHD MEM(out)
    Four GHDs: IT,F,CH (dat)4 GHD series

    grape18.bon, grape18d.bon, grape18f.bon, itch.bon,

    Page Written: Sunday, August 14, 2022,        Last Updated: