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Levels of American Great Lakes
Levels of Great Lakes - San Lorenzo River system are defined "IGLD 1985": Because of movement of the earth's crust, the "datum" or elevation reference system used to define water levels previous within the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River system must be adjusted every 25 to 35 years. The current datum was known as the International Great Lakes Datum, 1955 or (IGLD 1955).

    Plots, Figures   
    USA Great Lakes Diversions (pdf) (png)
    IGLD1985 cross-section (pdf) (png)
    USA Great Lakes level (pdf) (png) (cap)meters
    Lakes Spectra, MEM (pdf) (png) (cap)
    PDO, AMO, NAO Spectra(pdf) (png) (cap)MEM, LOMB
    Lakes level fit app all ranges
    All Lakes Level txtmonth, year, valuesOriginal datasetfor levels
    All Lakes Level yr txtyear.dmonth, valuesUsed this onefor spectra
    Lake Superior MEMout
    Lake Michigan−Huron MEMout
    Lake St. Clair MEMout
    Lake Erie MEMout
    Lake Ontario MEMout


    level.bon, levelx.bon, level-mem.bon,

    Page Written: September 30, 2020        Last Updated: