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18.6 yr Lunar spectral maximum in Barents Sea Ice Edge and in Brest MSL
  • Mazzarella e Palumbo, 1994. A. Mazzarella, A. Palumbo: The Lunar Nodal Induced-Signal in Climatic and Oceanic Data over the Western Mediterranean Area and on its Bistable Phasing , Theor Appl Climatol, 50,93-102, 1994.
  • Serykh and Kostianoy, 2019c I.V. Serykh and A.G. Kostianoy: Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the Barents Sea Temperature , Ecologica Montenegrina, 25, 1-13,2019.
  • Yasuda, 2018 Yasuda I.: Impact of the astronomical lunar 18.6-yr tidal cycle on El-NiƱo and Southern Oscillation, Scientific Reports, 8, 15206, 2018. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-33526-4
  • Yndestad et al., 2008 Harald Yndestad, William R. Turrell, Vladimir Ozhigin Lunar nodal tide effects on variability of sea level, temperature, and salinity in the Faroe-Shetland Channel and the Barents Sea, Deep-Sea Research, I, 55, 10, 1201-1217, 2008.
  • (Barents Ice Edge position. Data from figure 7).

    Plots, Figures 00readme
    Yndestad's site latin label Italian and English translationCicerone-Rhetorica-De Finibus-Liber IV-37
    Barents Sea Ice Edge pos.(pdf) (png) (cap)and LOMB Spectrum
    Barents Ice Edge 1800(pdf) (png) (cap)and LOMB Spectrum
    Brest (F) Tide Gauge(pdf) (png) (cap)and LOMB Spectrum
    Barents Ice Edge(txt) 1579-2018
    Barents Edge LOMB(out) 1579-2018
    Barents1800 LOMB(out) 1800-2018
    Brest Tide Gauge LOMB(txt) 1807-2018
    Brest LOMB(out) 1807-2018

    barents-edge.bon, barents1800.bon, brest.bon,
    Page Written: August 12, 2020        Last Updated: